
eReading Online Subscription


Product Description

 4000+ books.     Listen to your learners reading!

Read Along, Narrate, Silent Read, Comprehension with Simbi
Motivate your learners to Read (Aloud) for Good!

Simbi is the only reading platform
where reading instruction is responsive, connected
& global impact focused.

Simbi offers students and teachers a library of thousands of levelled books any time of day.

Simbi provides educators with invaluable reading data to enhance responsive teaching through Listen-ins & verbal feedback, the TellMe comprehension tool, reading assignments, and even more powerful features!


Simbi doubles reading fluency in just three months

Read Along

Reading Along to the words on a page while listening to a narrator fosters confidence and builds decoding skills


Narrating (reading aloud) stories with your own voice strengthens memory and boosts comprehension

More books, more often

Read any time of day to earn stars and navigate to exciting worlds while helping other kids become better readers, too.



Read for Good:  Learners become storytellers as they share their voice to our global library, in turn, helping others to learn to read.

Learners earn volunteer hours

As students narrate books for others to hear, they earn volunteer hours automatically. Certificates can be downloaded to celebrate reading, or submit for service hours.





Simbi Turns the Act of Reading into an Act of Giving


Did you know that reading with Simbi helps kids around the world learn to read, too?

When kids on Simbi narrate books , they are making a global impact by sharing their voices to over 208,000 learning readers and 12,000 refugees in over 80 countries, which teaches and motivates kids to make a global impact.

Simbi Read-A-thon 

A Read-A-Thon with Simbi motivates reading, provides school-wide insights, and empowers your learners to make a difference.  

Your readers come together in a race against time to narrate storybooks on Simbi.

These narrations are added to Simbi’s global library and to Simbi Foundation’s BrightBox solar classrooms, reaching up to 197,000 learners around the world!  Find out more and participate ...

Further information on Read-A-Thon


 See report by a school on their Read-A-Thon participation



Simbi has a process of evaluating'narrations'
for the Simbi Global Library

  1. A narration is donated to the Simbi Global Library
  2. The narration is evaluated by the Simbi AI to make sure that it has a 90% accuracy rate.
  3. If the narration has a 90% accuracy rate it is then sent to our evaluation team that listens to every single narrator. They are listening for any oddities like a dog barking or cars in the background that will reduce the quality of the recording.
  4. If the narration passes our human test then it is added to the global library
  5. Once the narration is added to the library the reader/learner will receive a notice that their recordings have been added to the library and they can go to the specific book and see/hear the narration that they donated to the Simbi library.






Today a reader, Tomorrow a leader - Margaret Fuller, American journalist, 1810-1850

Inspiring a lifelong love of reading requires accessible, engaging stories that spark curiosity, inspire critical thinking, and align closely with curriculum connections.

With Simbi, you don’t have to choose between engaging content and meeting learning outcomes.


A library full of page-turners 

  • Access engaging books and content. Listen to narrations from authors and popular voices like poet Kenn Nesbitt and astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson.
  • Read books from top publishers including National Geographic, Oxford University Press, Harper Collins, and more!
  • Learn as you go with our cutting edge content & curriculum, backed by the latest research in reading skill development.
  • Books are sorted by reading level, grade or type, giving maximum flexibility
  • SEL & global citizenship focused content
  • Focus on decoding with our large library of decodable texts



Simbi has over 4,000  diverse books, in different genres and covers a wide range of reading abilities


Simbi's Reading Levels : Emerging Readers, Grade 1 to 8


There are fluency passages for each grade level to benchmark reading levels. Our literacy experts carefully level each book according to Fountas & Pinell’s text descriptions, as well as Adrienne Gear’s Gear Levels.

We have a helpful Simbi Reading Levels Correlation Chart to help you switch from many other reading programs!

Simbi uses Words Correct per Minute (WCPM) scores to align with grade level standards.

What is a Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) score?

A WCPM score is a ratio of correctly-read words to total-attempted words divided by the time taken to read the passage.

How does the scoring work?

Simbi uses industry standard oral reading rates, as determined by Hasbrouck and Tindal, to gauge readings on the Simbi platform.

Please refer to the chart below to gauge spoken words correct per minute against North American school grade levels.

Simbi's technology is always improving, but WCPM scored can be affected by self-corrections, background noise, and audio quality of recordings, Simbi recommends teachers use professional judgment in assessment of student reading.


Power tools for Educators

  • Share Assignments:  Create customized assignments from Simbi’s diverse Library
  • Organize group Read-a-Thons with Simbi’s motivating Leaderboards
  • Access automated running records for each book narrated with accuracy data
  • Trackable student reading activity and progress data
  • View reading insights that target strengths & areas for improvement
  • Assess students’ reading skills: Learners are encouraged to respond to reflective TellMe questions after reading.
  • Listen-in to learners’ narrations and provide page-by-page  verbal feedback



Visit the official Simbi help site


12 months subscription, 35 students per teacher
HK$ 7,920.00

350 students (10 teachers)