4.1 Science - promoting investigation and modelling
5 Minute Scientific Investigations Activities (Free!)
Lesson plan and student worksheets
The FREE 5 minutes activites are a collection...

A Level Practical Skills Matches A Level Practical Skills Matches eBook (Free!)
Lesson plan and student worksheets
DO249Second Edition: A-Level Required Practical Activities. Following from...

Accelerometer (High g 2-axis)
datalogging sensors
3201Ideal for measuring the forces in collisions between...

Accelerometer (Low g 3-axis)
datalogging sensors
3200Ideal for measuring small accelerations such as change...

Software Online Subscription
BrainPOP builds essential literacy skills in all subjects...

BrainPOP Jr.
Software Online Subscription
Building background knowledge and literacy skills in younger...

Carbon Dioxide Sensor
datalogging sensors
3152The sensor is designed and optimised to measure...

Chibi Lights LED Circuit Stickers STEM Starter Kit
Circuit sticker activity kit
0799439668133Chibitronics Chibi Lights Circuit Stickers are a creative...

Colorimeter Cuvettes (pack of 100)
datalogging accessories
332110 x 10 mm optically clear 4.5 ml...

Colorimeter sensor
datalogging sensors
3275A simple, effective, recording colorimeter capable of...

Crocodile Clips (Pair)
datalogging sensors
3260A Crocodile clip lead is normally used...

Curious Learners in Primary Maths, Science, Computing and DT (STEM)
Teacher's Book
9781473952386Whether it is in the British National...

Current - 100mA
datalogging sensors
3166+/- 100mA low range, high resolution current sensor...

Drop and Bubble Counter
datalogging sensors
3266A sensor for accurate and automated titrations. Use...

Electric Paint Circuit Kit
Conductive Paint Activity Kit
SKU-1510verything you need to learn about parallel circuits....

Environmental BioChamber
datalogging accessories
ACC-21A 2000 ml plastic chamber designed for environmental...

Gas Pressure - Absolute 700kPa
datalogging sensors
3142Measures the absolute pressure of the system...

Gas Pressure - Differential 200kPa
datalogging sensors
3141The Smart Q Differential Gas Pressure Sensors...

Gas Pressure Accessory Pack
datalogging accessories
3138The pack contains a selection of tubing...

Gas Pressure Accessory Pack (For Smart Wireless)
datalogging accessories
1149This pack contains a selection of tubing elements...

GCSE Required Practical Activities eBook (Free!)
Lesson plan and student worksheets
DO249These worksheets are designed to work with the...

Heart Rate and Pulse Waveform
datalogging sensors
3147Continuously monitor the heart rate at rest...

High Temperature - High Range K-Type Sensor
datalogging sensors
3105Measure temperatures in the range -200 to...

Holey Cap set
datalogging accessories
3174Used to hold sensors (Temperature, Oxygen, pH,...

Infrared Sensor
datalogging sensors
3278The Infrared sensor adds another dimension to heat...

Light gate / Photo gate
datalogging sensors
3250The Light gate is a digital switch-type sensor...

Light level sensor (multi-range)
datalogging sensors
3124A light sensor that is balanced to the...

Physics I (2.0)
STEM lessons and models pack
5384247 models: Understand dynamics by playing with different functional...

Push Button Reaction Switch
datalogging sensors
3261This is a push-to-make switch fitted with...

Replacement Battery Pack
datalogging sensors
5007This is a user replaceable battery pack for...

Rotary Motion Accessories Kit
datalogging accessories
3288This accessories kit extends the use of...

SAM Labs Maker Kit
Bluetooth, wireless, rechargeable input and output
SAMMKR0117 wireless bluetooth blocks, 30+ software blocks. Micro:bit...

SAM Labs STEAM Course Kit - Classroom size
Bluetooth, wireless, rechargeable input and output
SAMSTMC0140 blocks, designed for 30 students. Inspire your entire...

SAM Labs STEAM Course Kit - Team size
Bluetooth, wireless, rechargeable input and output
SAMSTMT0112 blocks, designed for 9-10 students. Allow young...

SAM Labs STEAM Expansion Kit
Bluetooth, wireless, rechargeable input and output
SAMSTME0130 blocks. Inspire your entire classroom to go...

Seppo Gamification Platform
Software Online Subscription
Create a game for remote learning and on...

SmartMicroscope iGo2
iPad Microscope
Connect 3 iPad/Android to view HD images and video. ...

Sound level
datalogging sensors
3175Dual range sensor that accurately measures both sound...

STEM Renewable Energies
STEM lessons and models pack
5598819 Models. Make the basics of renewable energies...

Temperature Sensor
datalogging sensors
3100An ideal replacement for a standard glass thermometer...

Temperature Sensor - Fast Response
datalogging sensors
3101This sensor is extremely responsive as it...

Timing Mats (Pair)
datalogging sensors
3255Timing mats are pressure sensitive switches designed...

Turbidity Pack
datalogging accessories
ACC-26For use with the combined colorimeter and...

V-Hub4 USB & Bluetooth
2504PKClassroom based data capture using wireless technology ...