Student classes providers Search:

This is a search page for course providers of Letterland Phonics, PhonicBooks for lots of phonic practise and consolidation, Little Bridge for Cambridge YLE , Coding/STEM/STEAM/AI  (such as micro:bit).


If you  are based in Hong Kong, and 

  • run a learning centre for after-school student courses, and/or
  • run after-school student classes at school 到校課程服務, and/or
  • you are a private teacher providing group or private lessons 

On Coding and STEM products, especially micro:bit, SAM Labs, fischertechnik and AI

Language products, especically Letterland phonics, Little Bridge for Cambridge YLE Starter, Mover and Flyer Exams.


You are welcome to be listed on this Search page for free.

Please complete the appropriate form (s) below:

(a) for STEM/ AI course providers  New!!

(b) for Letterland phonics course providers only 

We shall either contact you for clarification, or just list you straight the way.


OR, if you would like to contact with us for the train-the-trainer program, so that you can become a future course provider, please click here

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