3V Vertical Submersible Water Pump
Water pump
25110This 3V vertical submersible low power water...
:Create Interface board for micro:bit and fischertechnik
Shield for sensor/input/output
5656Bridge the gap between fischertechnik STEM kits &...
:GAME ZIP 64 for the BBC micro:bit
Shield with input
5626The :GAME ZIP 64 is the ultimate retro...
:Klef Piano for the BBC micro:bit
Shield with input
5631Unlock your inner composer with the Kitronik :KLEF...
:MOVE mini MK2 buggy kit (excl micro:bit)
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5652The Kitronik :MOVE mini MK2 buggy kit for the...
A5 Printed Sensors Set of 3
Conductive Paint Sensor
SKU-7000Use paper as a sensor. See tutorial here for use...
ACCESS:bit for BBC micro:bit
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5646The ACCESS:bit is a bolt-on/clip-on board for the...
AQ:BIT - Atmospheric Control add-on
WiFi shield for micro:bit
000046The AQ stands for atmospheric quality meaning that the AQ:bit...
Arcade for micro:bit
Shield with input
56116A fully featured programmable gamepad for use with...
BBC micro:bit V2.2 Starter Kit
MEFV2CAvailable immediately micro:bit V2.2, a USB Cable, a Battery...
Computational thinking and Coding for Every Student: The Teacher’s Getting-Started Guide.
Teacher's Book
Empower tomorrow’s tech innovators Authors Jane Krauss - University...
Conductive Fabric Tape Patches
Conductive fabric tape
0797776092291Get 64 swatches of conductive fabric tape,...
Conductive Hook & Loop (Velcro) Strip - 2.5 cm x 10 cm
Conductive Velcro
2740 Hook & Loop strips (such as Velcro)...
Conductive ribbon
Conductive ribbon
DEV-10172A great addition to any wearable electronic project,...
Copper Tape - With Conductive Adhesive , 50mm (15m) b
Conductive adhesive tape
PRT-13828This copper tape is a whopping 50 mm...
Copper Tape - With Conductive Adhesive, 5mm (15m)
Conductive adhesive tape
PRT-13827Flat copper tape with conductive adhesive that is...
Crocodile Clip with female jumper connector (4 Pack)
2447This is a 4 pack of wires that...
Crocodile Clip with Pigtail - male jumper connector (4 Pack)
2480A 4 pack of wires that are pre-terminated...
Crocodile Leads, Pack of 5 Alligator Clips with 50mm Leads
2491Set of 5 short Crocodile Leads, with croc...
Curious Learners in Primary Maths, Science, Computing and DT (STEM)
Teacher's Book
9781473952386Whether it is in the British National...
E-textile kit for the BBC micro:bit
Sewable electronics
5607The E-Textiles kit for the BBC micro:bit offers...
Electric Paint (1 L)
Conductive Paint
SKU-0308Print large-scale sensors with paint. Paint or print...
Electric Paint (10 ML)
Conductive Paint
SKU-0025Create circuits with paint. Draw circuits and sensors...
Electric Paint (50 ML)
Conductive Paint
SKU-0216Paint sensors, cold solder, repair PCBs, or draw...
Electro-Fashion Sewable ZIP LED, pack of 10
Sewable electronics
2762Upgrade your E Textiles with addressable full colour...
Electro-Fashion, Push Button Switch
Sewable electronics
2708This sewable push switch from Kitronik can be...
Electro-Fashion, Sewable 5mm LED Holder, pack of 10
Sewable electronics
2746Sewable electronics. (Click here for our full selection of...
Electro-Fashion: Conductive thread (2m or 6m)
Conductive Thread
2724Conductive thread can be used like conventional sewing...
Electro-Fashion: Conductive thread (45m or 250m)
Conductive Thread
2722Conductive thread can be used like conventional sewing...
F5 8 outputs, 6 inputs I/O board (5V and 3.3 V) for micro:bit and fischertechnik
Shield for sensor/input/output
ROB00132A fischertechnik-> micro:bit shield for 5v and 3.3...
fischertechnik STEM 2 kit for the BBC micro:bit & AI 智能家居/ 社區/ 遊樂場
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
54068212 models, 200+ parts. Introduce students...
Gratnells micro:bit SmartCase (with divider set)
Classroom Storage
SC1SET022626Strong storage case to hold 24 BBC micro:bit...
Grove Inventor Kit for the BBC micro:bit (8 sensors/ outputs)
110060762The Grove Inventor Kit for Micro:bit brings endless...
In-Line Geared TT Hobby Motor with wires - Croc Clips
Motor and wheel
25113This version of our 90RPM in-line geared TT...
Inventor's kit for BBC micro:bit
5603Contains everything you need to complete 10 experiments...
Kitronik 'Mini' Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit
56107The Mini Prong soil sensor is a short...
Kitronik :MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5683Develop your coding skills with the Kitronik :MOVE...
Kitronik :VIEW Graphics128 OLED display 128x64 for BBC micro:bit
56115Display meaningful output from your micro:bit project with...
Kitronik Air Quality and Environmental Board for micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5674Monitor and analyse the air you breathe...
Kitronik Alarm Clock Kit with ZIP Halo HD for micro:bit
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5681Explore time, light, and also sound with the...
Kitronik ARCADE for MakeCode Arcade
Game Kit
5311Develop your coding skills with the Kitronik ARCADE,...
Kitronik Compact All-In-One Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5693Drive 4 motors (or 2 stepper motors) and...
Kitronik Compact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5698Add motor driving capability to the microbit with the Kitronik...
Kitronik Discovery Kit for the BBC micro:bit
5666Take your first steps in physical computing with...
Kitronik Environmental Control Board for BBC micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5697Unlock the secrets of nature with code, engineering, and...
Kitronik LAB:bit educational platform
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
56101Learn - Code - Action! The all-in-one laboratory...
Kitronik Lesson in a Box ™ Visual Computing Pack for micro:bit
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5667Designed by Teacher's and tested by Pupil's to...