Electricity & Heat
Current - 100mA
datalogging sensors
3166+/- 100mA low range, high resolution current sensor...

Infrared Sensor
datalogging sensors
3278The Infrared sensor adds another dimension to heat...

Light gate / Photo gate
datalogging sensors
3250The Light gate is a digital switch-type sensor...

Light level sensor (multi-range)
datalogging sensors
3124A light sensor that is balanced to the...

Temperature Sensor
datalogging sensors
3100An ideal replacement for a standard glass thermometer...

V-Hub4 USB & Bluetooth
2504PKClassroom based data capture using wireless technology ...

V-Hub8 USB & Bluetooth
2508PKV-Hub Sensor Link makes your existing Data Harvest...

V-Log8 USB+ Bluetooth
2410PKA low cost 8 channel remote data logger with 4...

Voltage - Differential 0-10V
datalogging sensors
3161This Voltage sensor measures the potential difference across...

Voltage - Differential 12V
datalogging sensors
3160-12Monitor voltage over a fast short or long...

Voltage - Differential 1V
datalogging sensors
3162Monitor voltage over a fast short or long...

Voltage - Differential 20V
datalogging sensors
3160Monitor voltage over a fast short or long...

Wire Coil & Magnet
datalogging accessories
3173A 500 turn wire coil with built-in interface...

Wireless Infrared Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1205Leslie’s cube, insulation, heat along a metal...

Wireless Light & Colour Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1160This sensor can be used to measure...

Wireless Light Gate Sensor, single
wireless datalogging sensors
1200Each Light Gate is actually a double...

Wireless Magnetic Field Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1140Explore the nature and strengths of magnetic...

Wireless Motion Sensor (Linear)
wireless datalogging sensors
1190The Motion sensor is a sonar device...

Wireless Temperature Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1100The Wireless Temperature Sensor can be used...

Wireless Voltage - Current Sensor 20 V 1 A
Wireless datalogging sensors
1130Combines a voltage and current sensor in...

Wireless Voltage - Current Sensor 5V 0.1A
Wireless datalogging sensors
1131Combines a voltage and current sensor in...