single micro:bit model from pack
Sliding Door 自動門 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
A sliding door consists of one or...

Staircase Light 梯間照明燈 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Do you know how to do that...

Hand dryer 乾手機 @STEM II with 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Hand dryer: you certainly won't have anything...

Barrier 自動電閘 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Barriers are located in front of many...

Pedestrian light 行人過路燈 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
You certainly have seen various models of...

Press with safety switch 安全打壓機 @STEM II @12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Machines make our lives easier by accomplishing...

Motor Test Bench 馬達測試台 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
An engine test bench allows certain technical...

Windshield wiper 擋風玻璃水撥 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
A windshield wiper is a device for...

Washing Machine 洗衣機 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
The most widespread design is the drum washing machine, in...

Refrigerator 智能雪櫃門 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
With the spread of electrical power and...

Lighthouse 燈塔 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Lighthouses stand at important or dangerous points...

Merry-Go-Round 旋轉木馬 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
You can find various models of merry-go-rounds...