3-D-Robot, (9V or 24V)
pre-assembled training model
511937Positions workpieces safely and precisely with the aid...

Agile Production Simulation 24V
pre-assembled training model
569289Agile, modular and connected - the factory of...

Automated High Bay Warehouse, 24V
pre-assembled training model
536631Storage and retrieval of workpieces and containers ...

Conveyor belt 24V
pre-assembled training model
50464Conveyor belt simulates the transport of the workpieces...

fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0, 24V
pre-assembled training model
560840Digitized learning and simulation model for industry 4.0...

Indexed line with two machining stations, 24V
pre-assembled training model
96790Indexing line with a milling and drilling station...

Multi Processing Station with Oven, 24V
pre-assembled training model
5366322 processing stations with pneumatic transfer for safe...

Punching machine with conveyor belt, 24V
pre-assembled training model
96785Simulation of transport and machining of workpieces ...

Quality control with AI
pre-assembled training model
568416Visualize AI models and make them sustainably comprehensible,...

Robotics in Industry
5330204 models. Txt controller, Scratch 3.0, micro:bit ready...

ROBOTICS TXT Controller 4.0
560166The TXT 4.0 Controller offers plenty of new features with...

Sorting line with colour detection, 24V
pre-assembled training model
536633Recognition and sorting of the different workpieces Detects...

Storage and transport case for Training Factory Model
563147For safe storage and transportation of factory models...

Vacuum Gripper Robot, 24V
pre-assembled training model
536630Safe and precise transport of workpieces ...