BBC micro:bit @ AiTLE-ETC TestBed Programme, Hong Kong
The AiTLE-ETC (Educational Technologies)TestBed Programme

Launched in December 2014 by the Association for IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE), British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA), Department for International Trade (DIT), ETC Educational Technology Connection Hong Kong Ltd (ETC) and Hong Kong Education City (HKEdCity), the AiTLE-ETC TestBed Progamme brings together 20+ UK edtech organisations to deliver comprehensive solutions through a series of programmes and initiatives in Hong Kong and the UK.
Started off as a software and apps focused programme, the TestBed Programme enables over 60 Hong Kong primary and secondary schools to experience a range of the latest educational software and apps from over 20 hand-picked British edtech suppliers for an entire school year, in return for feedback from schools, parents and students.
In response to the Hong Kong Government’s directives in STEM education, in 2016 the TestBed programme has expanded its scope to cover a wider range of the UK’s latest STEM education solutions, such as the BBC micro:bit.
The BBC micro:bit and accessories are now part of the TestBed Programme, involving multiple primary, secondary and special needs schools, covering different applications and experimentation of the BBC micro:bit. We are continuing to recruit further BBC micro:bit TestBed-schools in the 2018/19 school year. See our TestBed Programme 6.0
For schools wanting to partipate at the BBC micro:bit@ AiTLE-ETC TestBed programme, please contact us below:
Hong Kong delegation to the BETT show 2016: First encounter of the BBC micro:bit
In January 2016, HKSARG Education Bureau and AiTLE, in strategic partnership with BESA, DIT, ETC and HKEdCity, led an education mission to the UK.
As a direct result of this highly successful edtech mission, 2016 sees many Hong Kong schools embracing some of the most outstanding British STEM solutions and coding products, in particular the BBC micro:bit.
The Hong Kong delegation has since then conducted post-UK trip sharing with primary and secondary school teachers and principals, and triggered various e-learning initiatives, including the formation of the AiTLE micro:bit Focus Group. ETC Educational Technology Connection is a member of the Group.
Launching of the BBC micro:bit in Hong Kong schools
While every age-11 UK school student has started to receive free of charge a unit of the BBC micro:bit to code-design and make since May 2016, as a direct result of the HK Education Mission to the UK, upon the strongest demand from teacher/principal members of the AiTLE, ETC has rolled out no less than 5,000 pieces of the BBC micro:bit and a full range of accessories, backed by teacher training, student competitions, parents event, exhibition and conference demos, to Hong Kong primary and secondary schools since August 2016.